02 November 2007

making progress

What a day. No wonder I'm so exhausted.

My boss's wife finally had her baby today, so that's great news. We were all anxious for them, so now we can all exhale a little...except for them.

I spoke to my new boss's boss. Her name is Sue. Something about her phone presence startled me. It might have been her "You're not a Red Sox fan, are you?" comment, but in the end, I'm excited to meet her. It sounds like I'll be meeting her along with her boss, and one of my new colleagues, next Monday. I thought it was going to be a quick, half-hour affair, but I was wrong. It's going to be a whirlwind 3-4 hour, let's-have-lunch affair. Which means the whole idea of unpacking/moving in on that Monday morning will be a little difficult. Oh well.

My next trick was scheduling my exit interview with the woman from HR who is terrorizing my poor friend Brian with unjust mind tricks. He just wanted a flu shot! Give the guy a flu shot!

I also planned my (own) going-away party. It's going to be a karaoke sensation, a suitable final drunken hurrah with my colleagues. Well, some of them. Everyone's traveling, so it makes me a little sad. But it'll be fantastic no matter what. And I'm doing it TWO days before the move so I have time to be hungover and snap out of it. Go me!

Oh, and I opened a new bank account online. That's a new one for me. I used my new florida address (teehee) so I won't be able to get the mail until next week. Oh shit. We change the clocks this weekend. Will someone remind me please?

And my new tenant came by to pay me. THAT was fun!! We are splitting the November rent - 1/3 from me, 2/3 from him. So he gave me that check, and it turns out that 2/3 of my prorated new york rent is equal to 9/10 of my prorated florida rent. He just paid my first month for me! AND, he gave me the $1100 security deposit, which more than covers the $200 security I put down in florida. Cha-ching! Baby wants new furniture!

Speaking of furniture, I also sold some of mine to the new tenant. Those ceiling fans that Donna and I slaved over? Two for $75, wobbles included. And my semi-brilliant kitchen shelving? Sold to the highest bidder. So not only does it lighten my load for the move, but it puts more money in my pizzocket!

Finally, I packed a few more boxes. IMPORTANT ones! I brought home a stack of plastic cups today (that I'd bought earlier for one of the 16 baby showers I attended), so I packed all my drinking and wine glasses. And I have paper plates, so I packed all my dinnerware. It's starting to look a little bare in the kitchen! Yahoo!

Oh, and while I was packing, I copied a few more home videos from VHS to DVD. My quote of the night was Joanie, circa 1987, speaking on behalf of an infant Kirby, "I'm a real baby. I eat quiche."

Anyhow, I can't stop yawning so I'm off to bed. Maybe. It's covered with clothes. I might just sleep next to them...

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