19 November 2007

i'm a safe driver!

i got my new florida license today, and according to them (and contrary to barbara's conviction of the opposite), i'm a safe driver. yup! safe. says so on my license. i'm also an organ donor and was thrilled with my photo.

mostly, i was shocked at how the florida dmv experience compared to my last few brushes with the massachusetts dmv. i was in, out, and holding the new license within 7 minutes of walking in to the dmv. my last mass experience rounded off, roughly, to 2 hours. but that was 7 years ago. so maybe things have improved there.

anyhow, i'm all legal now. and off to bed. the dogs woke me up at 6:30 this morning, and i'm playing auntie/babysitter to jasmeen bright and early tomorrow so...i need my sleep!

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